Sunday, December 13, 2015

Why Entrepreneurship Always Takes More Time Than You Expect

Why Entrepreneurship Always Takes More Time Than You Expect

Dear Readers,

I stumbled across an informative article on entrepreneurship that I think makes an important point if one is interested in becoming an entrepreneur.

The article discusses time management and entrepreneurship. Indeed,  managing our time is critical to success in being an effective entrepreneur, leader, or what have you.

I hope this info helps. Stay tuned for more advice and tips on pursuing one's entrepreneurial aspirations...

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lessons from Thanksgiving

TRENTON-As I sit back and reflect on this past Thanksgiving Day I look at entrepreneurship and I see how this day of giving and expressing gratitude somehow has connections with entrepreneurism. 

Indeed, any entreprenuer that's worth his or her salt, understands that in order to stay in business, get into business, or to do well in business, requires a certain degree of gratitude and thankfulness toward not only your customers, but your suppliers, your sponsors, your employees, your friends, etcetera, etcetera, etc.

When I reflect on the gratitude one has for these various stakeholders involved in the entrepreneurial life cycle, it seems one can better cope with the various stressors of being an entrepreneur. Stressors such as wearing many different hats at the same time, i.e. finding a profitable location for your business, marketing and selling your products and services, being your organization's accountant, etc.

Now I am not naive enough to think that showing or expressing gratitude somehow erases an entrepreneur's life challenges, but I do firmly believe that expressing gratitude can help one cope with some of the stressors of entrepreneurship. There is even research to back to this up. For more info on this, see Elizabeth Heubeck's WebMD article by clicking here.

So I leave you, dear reader, with a few jewels of wisdom that I think may help you as you pursue your entrepreneurial dreams and aspirations.

Being in business is better than not being in business, so be thankful, point blank period.

When businesses come and go all the time, it is a beautiful thing to have your shop doors still open.

Serving others is an honor in any capacity, so be thankful.

Indeed, as the bible says, whoever will be the greatest among you shall be your servant (Matthew 20:26). Bottom line: even if it does not feel that way sometimes, serving others is both an honor and privilege.

Providing opportunities for others is a blessing, so be thankful.

Being an entrepreneur creates opportunities for others i.e. jobs, a source of identity, a place to go to, etc. Entrepreneurs can put meat on the table for others, metaphorically or literally speaking, either way these individuals add value to our society with their contributions.  

Lo and behold, as you can see above, I think when you have a spirit of gratitude for what you do, it seems that one can better cope with the 'slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune' as Hamlet talked about. 

So dear reader, in the spirit of thanksgiving, I encourage you and leave with you with this message, like I encourage myself, to sit back and revel in the beauty of now (this moment right now) and be grateful for it, even with its challenges, stressors, and setbacks. Indeed, it is better to sing in the rain than curse the darkness (and trust me I am learning this as I go along as well).

Thank you for reading and listening dear readers...

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Me & Entrepreneurism

Ladies and gents, boys and girls, with this whole entrepreneurism series that I have started, I know you may be wondering what do I really know about entrepreneurism.

You maybe asking yourself questions like : "what does this guy know, he never ran his own business?" or "how much can he tell us about being a successful entrepreneur if all he has ever done is interview other business owners or entrepreneurs in the community?"

Well, I think these sorts of questions are definitely fair and legitimate. I have to admit that my understanding is based solely on the books I have read and the interviews I have conducted. The criticism is clear: book knowledge has value, but there's nothing like getting an education from the good ol' School of Experience.  

However, my dear readers, what you may not know, is that my understanding of entrepreneurship can also be attributed to seeing both of my parents engage in entrepreneurial activities during my childhood and also during my adult life. Indeed, I picked up a few pointers from them as I watched them do what they do, so to speak.

I saw my mother independently sell homemade skin and hair products products growing up and I also witnessed my father sell clothing, jewelry, and other miscellaneous merchandise as a vendor. Now don't get me wrong, neither my father nor my mother were tycoons by any stretch of the imagination. But they were their own bosses, which to me is by far the most attractive part of being of an entrepreneur. 

I learned a great deal from these two entrepreneurs, my parents, that is and I wanted to share one of the takeaway messages I got from them that may help others pursue their dreams of being an entrepreneur. 

My parents taught me that with entrepreneurship everything starts with taking inventory of what your current knowledge, skills, and abilities are. Bottom line, the idea here is that you have to know yourself and what you bring to the table first before you go out there and really start sowing your entrepreneurial oats. 

In the case of my father, he knew that he was the type of guy that valued African American culture and had a knack for designing jewelry. Likewise, my mother knew that helping others was her gift. She also knew that she was knowledgeable about herbs and alternative remedies. 

Both my mom and pop took this inner information and then looked outward to see if there were any gaps or opportunities in the marketplace that could be filled with their knowledge, skills, and abilities. This is a big part of what entrepreneurs do. They study and understand themselves first then they go on to study and try to understand the world outside of them. 

So, I leave you all with this one tip: go out there and reach for the stars, pursue your dreams, but first and foremost, open your eyes, go within, engage in self-discovery, determine what your strengths are, and find out what you bring to the table. 

For further information on self-discovery, click here.  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dr. King & Entrepreneurism

In commemoration of Dr. King's life and legacy, and my recent focus on entrepreneurship, I wanted to take a moment to not only remember a great American, but also to illustrate how Dr. King's life was in my humble opinion, a testament to many of a successful entrepreneur's characteristics or attributes.

Below you will find a list of some of those characteristics:

Dr. King had a fierce sense of urgency, not complacency.

During the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King didn't sit idly by whenever he saw an injustice. During the Civil Rights Movement, he took a stand and got involved with a fierce sense of urgency.

Indeed, he organized others, made speeches, and conducted all sorts of rallies. Like Dr. King, it is important for entrepreneurs to act with a sense of urgency when it comes to finding a need in the marketplace and filling it with their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Real entrepreneurs take day to day steps to get their small business venture off the ground whether it be doing market research on what needs are not being met in the marketplace or whether it is developing a business plan, entrepreneurs take action.

Dr. King saw opportunities, not obstacles. He focused not on his fears, but on his faith in his vision of a better tomorrow.

Indeed, Dr. King was not deterred by the obstacles he and others in the fight for civil rights faced. He knew that there were going to be naysayers and other individuals that would fight his efforts tooth and nail, but that didn't stop him.

Indeed, Dr. King was driven not by these fears and anxieties but by his deep faith in a better tomorrow. Like Dr. King, entrepreneurs will face obstacles as well. They may face obstacles like not getting the funding or support they need to get their small business venture off the ground. They may encounter obstacles like working long hours and not seeing their friends and family as much as they would like. But true entrepreneurs do not let these obstacles deter them. Real entrepreneurs soldier on despite the obstacles. 

Dr. King had a compelling vision of a better tomorrow.

Despite the grim realities of his era (injustice, war, poverty), Dr. King envisioned a better tomorrow where individual's would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

As entrepreneurs, it is likewise important that we develop a clear and compelling vision for our small business endeavors. To understand how to craft a vision for your small business, ask your self basic questions such as what makes you cry? What makes others cry? What makes you smile? What makes others smile? For more information on crafting a vision, click here

Dr. King was a constant ambassador of his vision for a better tomorrow.

Like any entrepreneur that is worth his or her salt, Dr. King understood the importance of constantly spreading the word about his vision of a better tomorrow through his powerful speeches and eloquent sermons. Everywhere he would go, Dr. King would discuss the importance of his vision of a Beloved Community.

Its equally important for entrepreneurs to constantly share with others their small business vision. Through sharing with others, the aspiring entrepreneur may enlist the help of others who can play vital roles in the success of their small business venture. 

Dr. King kept his eye on his vision despite setbacks and challenges.

Dr. King's was arrested more than 20 times. His home was bombed and yet he kept his focus on his vision of a better tomorrow. I know what you may be saying, most entrepreneurs don't have to deal with their homes being bombed, and I get that, but please don't miss the point I'm making here, which is that no matter what setback you face, the idea is to stay focused on your goal, no matter what.

This is true with entrepreneurism as well. Sure, you may not have got that small business loan from the bank like you wanted, but that should not stop you from continuing to pursue your small business dream. It just means you may have to try an alternative route to your goal. Even though the strategy may change, keep your eye on the prize or ultimate goal of your endeavors.

For more information on how to start your small business, check out these resources that I have put together by clicking here

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Entrepreneurial Focus

For some reason or another, this time of the year, I'm on this whole start your own business, go for dreams type of thing. So, the next couple of blogs will revolve around this concept of focus and how it applies to the world of entrepreneurship.

Indeed, from interviewing different small business owners and studying entrepreneurship as a whole over the years, I have found that being focused is such a fundamental part of being a successful entrepreneur that separating these two ideas would be as unwise as bringing a knife to a gunfight.

As an entrepreneur, if you are not focused, there is a big chance you may miss out different opportunities that could be capitalized on. 

As a case in point, before I started this blog years ago, I noticed that the Trentonian's blog center had business blogs, but they had no blogs specifically for small business in the city of Trenton. So, after observing this, and reflecting on my skill set and research interests, I found it to be a no-brainer to start a blog that would fill this void I noticed. And then Anwar's Reflections was born.

The bottom line here as an entrepreneur, it is critically important that you keep your eyes and ears open for gaps or opportunities in the marketplace you may be able to fill with your knowledge, skills, and abilities. So below are some things you can do to develop an entrepreneur's laser like focus:

Use Google, Use Google, Use Google

Here the idea is to constantly search the Internet to find gaps or opportunities in the marketplace that you may be able to capitalize on. I'm not saying you have to stop 'Googling' who said what on the latest episode of Empire or American Idol.

All I'm saying is that if you're entrepreneurially inclined, its vitally important to set aside a little bit of time during your day to day Googling to see if there any opportunities in the marketplace you can take advantage of. If you need help perusing or surfing the Internet, visit these sites for more information, click here or here

Watch, read, or listen to the news paying particular attention to gaps or opportunities in the marketplace

When taking in your daily dose of what's going on in your world on television, radio, newspaper, or the Internet, don't just pay attention to the latest murder or robbery (unless that's your thing), instead keep your eyes open for different gaps or opportunities in the marketplace.

This could be something as simple as noticing that a group or organization is in need of a service or product that you can bring to the market with your knowledge, skills, and abilities. I can't say it enough, keep your eyes and open. Stay focused.

Talk to your friends,family members, and co-workers about your entrepreneurial interests

While catching up with your friends and family members on the phone, in-person, through social networks, and what have you, set aside a little time to mention your small business idea and where you are at with it.

Your friend or family member may have an idea or suggestion that you never thought of that can point you in the right direction as it relates to kick-starting your small business venture.